Let there be Gold

Let there be Gold: Three Portraits by Adamo Macri.

The essay cites several historical examples of the importance of gold, including its presence in the Inca Empire, Pharaohs’ tombs, religious and secular art. It also refers to modern references such as Fort Knox, gold medals and gold standards. Author Kenneth Radu looks at two golden portraits by artist Adamo Macri, titled The Lure and Cosmopolitan, which symbolize a hunger present in the human body. A third portrait, Latent Corpus Callosum Discernment, is compared to the previous two, emphasizing complexity and collective meaning. The text draws attention to Macri’s ability to convey meaning both in what he portrays and in what he omits. Macri is seen as someone who embraces multiple identities and acknowledges the depth and intricacy of the human heart and mind.

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